#9. Two Plus Two Equals One

Two plus two equals one. Two hearts, And two minds,  With so many thoughts shared between them, Create a sisterhood. Ours is a true bond. I always had you to look up to, You were an image to aspire. When I was barely tall enough, When my eager hands could only stretch to reach; Even…

#1. His Name – Love

She didn’t know His Name; But she knew in her heart, That in Him she found,  — Love. She looked for His Name, But did not see it. She thought it could be found, In images – buried deep, Though still attainable;  In her most salient thoughts, In her strongest opinions; Amidst the ideals and…

Vignettes by Megan – A Collection of Poems

I am excited to share a series of poems that I’ve written and compiled in these past two years. I began writing them in 2021, after moving to New Jersey. Much has happened since I posted in 2020, and sharing these poems here is the best way to cover the distance between the gap. Several…

‘On Being A Tugboat’ by Kirsten Voris

By Kirsten Voris I was going to let this anniversary go unacknowledged. I must have known it was a big deal. I wrote it in my calendar. One year out.… On Being A Tugboat

Viewing the world through music in 2020: YouTube Channel by Megan A.M.

Dear Followers & Friends, I updated one of my media sites in March to add an Official YouTube Channel focused specifically on a recent creative life project: recording instrumental and vocal music song covers. Music has helped me to keep an open mind and remain more grounded during these past three months. The trauma and loss that our…

‘Remember:’ Song Story

Paraphrased from the wise, re-quoted words of my Grama, ‘Only a senseless person never changes her mind.’ Grama would say this light-heartedly and laugh in the sweetest of ways when she traveled by plane to visit me for several weeks during the end of last year. When we made plans and changed plans about what…


(Evening 8/28/19). I left the house briefly this morning to pick up a few extra items. After an okay from a kind friend who is also a former marshal, I drove down the graveled path and onto our paved roads to return with what I needed. This is the first official Hurricane Warning to reach…

Good news in images

    Congratulations to my father, Rev. James D. Moore, Sr., who was ordained a Reverend & Pastor at The Center Lehigh Valley (f/k/a El Shaddai Bethlehem Ministries). Congratulations to my mother, Andrea M. Moore, a newly ordained Minister at The Center, and my inspiration towards virtue, resilience, and beauty in life. Thanking Our Heavenly…

Bostic v. Dunbar: Petition denied. What’s next?

An important juvenile sentencing case was up for review at the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year, Bostic v. Dunbar. In March, I did a quick case summary citing legal history, news clips, a scientific study, and a detailed report from The Intercept. Petitioner Bobby Bostic was 16 years-old when he committed a series of armed…

First Bloom

Mammoth sunflowers are remarkable. I planted moonflower, dahlias, and sunflowers in late May, just before summer. I got the seeds as a very kind gift and enjoy gardening, yard work, and nature in general – but have never grown flowers from seed. After quickly ‘studying up’ on the species and reading some sparse directions on the…